Helpful Program Info
Cities & Towns We Are Made Up Of:
Portsmouth, Greenland, Rye, New Castle, Newington, Durham, Madbury and Lee
Equipment Responsibility
What Is Provided:
- Helmet
- Shoulder Pads
- Knee Pads
- Jerseys
- Pants
- Belt
What You Will Need:
- Girdle
- Cleats
- Mouthguard
- Water Bottle
- Maroon Game Socks
- A Positive Attitude!
- Learning while having fun!
GIRDLE: We strongly recommend buying a football girdle for your player.
The girdle has all the built in pads for the hips, thighs and tailbone area and many players prefer to have their own. Below are several different options we suggest:
What To Expect - PYF Season Timeline Of Events

Summer Skills & Drills
Sundays Starting Jun 23 through August 4 (No July 7)
Learning & Conditioning - Sunday Evenings through the summer
* No Contact*
Gear Handout for Players doing Summer Camps:
June 12th
June 25th
UNH Football Camp: July 7th - July 10th
- Learn from Coaches & Players of the UNH Football Program!
Gear Handout for Players doing Summer Camps:
June 25th
Gear Hand-Out For All:
August 6th & 7th
Practice - Season Start: August 12th
- Practice will be Mon-Friday until school starts
- Then 3-5 days depending on the team
- There is typically no practice on the weekends, just games
Calendar Sales Fundraiser: ~Aug 19-Sept 20
- Athletes win prizes!
- Fundraiser for all the great things the program offers
Jamboree & Player Weigh-In: August 24th
- Typically the weekend before school starts
Games Begin!
- Typically starts early Sept
- Always on Saturday or Sunday
PYF - UNH Football Game: Usually in September
- Players get to form a tunnel for the UNH players
- Players get to walk the field
- Tailgating with Family & Friends!
Picture Day!
- Generally during a practice in October
PYF - UNH Football Game: Usually in September
- Players get to form a tunnel for the UNH players
- Players get to walk the field
- Tailgating with Family & Friends!
End of Season: Early November
- Depending on playoffs
End of Season Banquet Celebrations: November 25/26
- Celebrating the players hard work